Community Links is a 501 c(3) non profit organization
Pictured L to R: Paula Fritz Eddy, MCCF Executive Director; Michele Hoover, Community Links Interim Executive Director; Susan Carlson, Community Links MC Supervisor; and Dave Krantz, MCCF Board Member
Community Links would like to recognize the McKean County Community Foundation for their support. Through the McKean County COVID-19 Assistance Fund, Community Links was awarded $1,080 towards the purchase of a Logitech Meet-Up ConferenceCam. This web camera will be utilized for staff, agency, and board meetings. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic we have all learned to work and meet differently. This means being socially distant when together and often meeting virtually. The ConferenceCam will be used in the facilitation of many upcoming meetings in both the McKean and Elk County offices.
Donate by Mail
If you wish to make your gift by check, mail your check to:
Community Links
20 Russell Blvd.
Bradford, PA 16701
Communitylinks propuesta.
Hemos visto tu negocio y creemos que tiene mucho potencial.
Publicaremos tu empresa en más de 60 periódicos digitales de alta autoridad, lo que mejorará tu reputación, y posicionará tu web en las primeras posiciones de Internet. Así, cuando los clientes busquen información sobre ti, verán que tu empresa es conocida y confiarán más en ella.
Además, queremos ofrecerte dos meses gratuitos para que pruebes el impacto sin compromiso.
¿Podrías facilitarme un número de teléfono para comentarte los detalles?
Quedo pendiente de tu respuesta.
PD: Si prefieres no recibir más información, responde con “No estoy interesado” y no volveremos a contactarte.